Beecrowd 1020 Solution in C, C++ & Python

Beecrowd 1020 Solution

URI – BEECROWD – BEE Online Judge || Age In Days – URI – BEE 1020 Solution in C,C++, Python Question Beecrowd 1020 Solution in C #include <stdio.h> int main() { int d,y,m; scanf(“%d”,&d); y=0; m=0; y=d/365; d=d%365; m=d/30; d=d%30; printf(“%d ano(s)\n%d mes(es)\n%d dia(s)\n”,y,m,d); return 0; } Bee1020 Solution in C++ #include <iostream> using namespace … Read more

Beecrowd 1019 solution || URI 1019 Time Conversion

Beecrowd 1019 solution

URI – BEECROWD – BEE 1019 Time Conversion Solutions in C, C++, and Python || Beecrowd 1019 solution Question Beecrowd 1019 solution Beecrowd 1019 solution presents the classic scheduling challenge: time shifting. In the challenge, times in seconds are converted to hours, minutes and seconds. This seemingly simple task requires a deep understanding of time … Read more

Beecrowd 1043 solution in C ,C++ || Uri 1043 || Free Code Center

Beecrowd 1043 solution

Beecrowd-1043 Triangle-solution ||Beecrowd 1043 solution Triangle beecrowd | 1043 Read three-point floating values (A, B, and C) and verify if is possible to make a triangle with them. If it is possible, calculate the perimeter of the triangle and print the message: Perimetro = XX.X If it is not possible, calculate the area of the … Read more

Beecrowd 1015-Distance Between Two Points solution in C,Python

Beecrowd 1015-Distance Between Two Points solution Solution in C #include<stdio.h> int main(){ double x1,x2,y1,y2,d; scanf(“%lf%lf%lf%lf”,&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); d=sqrt(pow(x2-x1,2)+pow(y2-y1,2)); printf(“%.4lf\n”,d); return 0; } Solution in C++ Solution in Python import math x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(float, input().split()) d = math.sqrt((x2 – x1) ** 2 + (y2 – y1) ** 2) print(f”{d:.4f}”) Next problem: Beecrowd 1016 -Distance solution

Beecrowd 1013 solution- The Greatest

Beecrowd 1013

Beecrowd 1013- The Greatest solution Question Make a program that reads 3 integer values and present the greatest one followed by the message “eh o maior”. Use the following formula: Input The input file contains 3 integer values. Output Print the greatest of these three values followed by a space and the message “eh o … Read more

Beecrowd 1012-Area solution C, CPP and Python || Beecrowd 1012 || Free Code Center

Beecrowd 1012-Area solution

Beecrowd 1012-Area solution C, CPP and Python Question link beecrowd | 1012 Area Make a program that reads three floating point values: A, B and C. Then, calculate and show:a) the area of the rectangled triangle that has base A and height C.b) the area of the radius’s circle C. (pi = 3.14159)c) the area … Read more