Inheritance Example in java programming

Understanding Inheritance Example in Java Programming

Inheritance is one of the central tenets of the object-oriented paradigm, and Java itself is not left behind in this regard. It makes it possible for some classes to acquire properties and methods from some other classes thus encouraging the reusability of code and molding a natural order of classes. But what does that really mean? Let’s break down the Inheritance Example in java programming

What is Inheritance?

At its most basic level, inheritance is a feature that permits a child class (or subclass) to adopt the fields and functions of another class (the parent or superclass). It is similar to a family tree where some qualities are passed down from one generation to the other. A subclass is a child. It receives s-character from the s-parent class from which she derives extra characteristics.

The Importance of Inheritance

What do you need effectiveness of your application and above all its architecture implementation? Inheritance takes care of all these concerns. Through inheritance, one can achieve the following:

  • Reduce Redundancy: Ideally, if one class contains a specific code that needs to be present in different classes, it would have to be called indirection using ‘using’. This emphatically means that that particular code is defined only once in a superclass.
  • Enhance Maintainability: It is more complicated to make alterations in the derived classes and this is why the parent-child relation is advisable. Any alteration made in the superclass is reflected in the derived classes making it easy to make other changes whenever necessary.
  • Establish Relationships: Inheritance helps not only define the structure of your code but also enhances logical interrelations of components within a family given real-world analogies.

Types of Inheritance in Java

Java specifically encompasses numerous forms of inheritance and these will greatly enhance the way you will design the applications you create.

Inheritance in Java with example programs pdf

Single Inheritance

In a single inheritance, a subclass inherits from one superclass. This is the most straightforward form of inheritance. Inheritance Example in Java Programming For instance:

class Animal {
void eat() {

class Dog extends Animal {
void bark() {

Here, Dog inherits the eat method from Animal.

Multilevel Inheritance

In multilevel inheritance, a subclass inherits from another subclass. This creates a chain of inheritance.

class Animal {
void eat() {

class Dog extends Animal {
void bark() {

class Puppy extends Dog {
void weep() {

In this example, Puppy inherits from, which in turn inherits from Animal.

Hierarchical Inheritance

Hierarchical inheritance occurs when multiple subclasses inherit from the same superclass.

class Animal {
void eat() {

class Dog extends Animal {
void bark() {

class Cat extends Animal {
void meow() {

Both Dog and Cat inherit from Animal, allowing them to share common behavior.

Multiple Inheritance (Interface-based)

Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance with classes to avoid ambiguity. However, you can achieve it through interfaces.

interface CanRun {
void run();

interface CanBark {
void bark();

class Dog implements CanRun, CanBark {
public void run() {
System.out.println("Dog runs fast!");

public void bark() {
System.out.println("Dog barks loudly!");

Here, Dog implements two interfaces, allowing it to inherit behaviors from both.

An in-depth look into an inheritance

It is important to understand some key concepts to be able to effectively use Inheritance Example in Java Programming.

Introduction to Parent and Child Classes

As stated above, the parent class (superclass) provides features which the child class (subclass) can utilize. This helps to keep your code structured.

The ‘extends’ Keyword

You use the extends keyword to define a subclass. This word means that the new class being developed is a child of the previous one and is inheriting its attributes.

Method Overriding

Method overriding which means when you re-implement the same method already present in the parent class in the child class.

Method Overriding

Method overriding allows a subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already defined in its superclass.

Example of Method Overriding

class Animal {
void sound() {
System.out.println("Animal makes a sound");

class Dog extends Animal {
void sound() {
System.out.println("Dog barks");

In this case, Dog overrides the sound method from Animal.

Constructor Behavior in Inheritance

When creating a subclass, the constructor of the superclass is invoked first. This ensures that the properties of the parent class are initialized before the subclass’s constructor executes.

class Animal {
Animal() {
System.out.println("Animal created");

class Dog extends Animal {
Dog() {
System.out.println("Dog created");

When you create a Dog object, you’ll see:

Animal created
Dog created

Real-world examples of Inheritance programs in Java example

Let’s put theory into practice with some relatable examples.

Animal Kingdom Example

Imagine you’re modeling an animal kingdom. You can have a superclass Animal with subclasses like DogCat, and Bird. Each subclass can inherit the eat method while having its unique behavior, like barkmeow, or chirp.

Vehicle Example

Another excellent example is in a vehicle hierarchy. You can have a superclass Vehicle, with sub-classes like CarTruck, and Motorcycle. Each subclass can inherit properties like speed and fuelType but can also implement their specific methods like loadCargo for Truck.

Advantages of Using Inheritance

Inheritance has several advantages, including:

  • Code Reusability: Write once, use multiple times.
  • Enhanced Code Organization: Logical grouping of related classes.
  • Improved Maintainability: Easier updates and debugging.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Inheriting other classes is advantageous, but if not applied judiciously, it also has its share of drawbacks. Here are some common pitfalls:

  • Overusing Inheritance: There are times when composing (that is, embedding classes in classes) makes more sense.
  • Creating Too Many Layers: Some say that too many vertical structures can make it complex and quite unmanageable.
  • Neglecting Access Modifiers: Do not forget different access levels – public, private, and protected.
What is the primary benefit of using inheritance in Java?

The primary benefit is code reusability, allowing you to define common behavior in a superclass and inherit it in subclasses.

Can a class inherit from multiple classes in Java?

No, Because to avoid the ambiguity in class inheritance, no multiple inheritance is allowed in Java through classes, However, A class can have several interfaces.

What is method overriding in Java?

Method overriding occurs when a child class differs from its parent class; it changes the semantics of a method stated in the superclass.

How do the constructors behave in case of inheritance?

Once an object of a subclass is created, its superclass constructor gets invoked first to complete its properties before the object’s constructor of the subclass executes.

How is inheritance different from composition?

Inheritance points out an ‘is-a’ relation (for instance, A Dog is an Animal), while composition highlights a ‘contains-a’ relation (for instance, A Car contains an Engine).


In Java programming, inheritance refers to the act by which brand new classes are based upon already existing classes. The main advantages of inheritance, namely its types and relative use, help to measure the performance and simpleness of the application in the course of its lifecycle. As such, being in the practice of programming that combines both face and back end applications, proper knowledge of inheritance will definitely improve the skills one possesses.

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