For Loop Example in Python

For Loop Example in Python

For Loop Example in Python || Examples for for loop in python 1. Introduction to For Loops in Python Python is a programming language that has loops as an integral part. The “for loop” is one of the most commonly used types of iterations in Python because it is so simple and flexible. For this … Read more

For Loop in C Programming Example

For Loop in C Programming Example

For Loop in C Programming Example || For loop in c || example of for loop in c programming Introduction to Loops in C The loops play an important role in C programming because they help developers to carry out repetitive tasks efficiently. The three main types of loops in C include for, while and … Read more

While loop in C programming Example

Understanding the While Loop in C: An In-Depth Guide

Understanding the While Loop in C: An In-Depth Guide Introduction In C programming, one of the foundational constructs for controlling flow is the while loop. This loop is crucial for executing a block of code repeatedly as long as a certain condition holds. In this paper, we will make an in-depth examination of how the … Read more

Uri/BEE CROWD 1131 Problem solution in C,C++, Python

BEE CROWD 1131 Grenais Solution

Uri/BEE CROWD 1131 Problem solution || Uri problem solutions || BEECROWD 1131 Grenais Solution in C, C++, Python || Beecrowd 1131 Solution Uri/BEE CROWD 1131 Problem solution in C,C++, Python Question & Submit : Beecrowd 1131 Question: The Federação Gaúcha de Futebol invited you to write a program to present a statistical result of several GRENAIS. Write … Read more

Beecrowd 1040 Average 3 Solution in C, C++, Python

BEE CROWD 1131 Grenais Solution

Beecrowd 1040 Average 3 Solution Question Introduction Beecrowd is a well-known site among competitive programmers focused on the enhancement of their problem-solving capacity. Europe, with all its resources, helps programmers perfect various algorithms and coding strategies typical to coding contests and interviews. Many users face problems that fall under this category, for instance, Beecrowd 1040: … Read more

Beecrowd 1045 Triangle Types solution in C, C++, Python

Beecrowd 1045 Triangle Types solution

Beecrowd 1045 Triangle Types solution Question BEE 1045 – Triangle Types Solution in C #include <stdio.h> int main() { double a,b,c,temp,i,j; scanf(“%lf%lf%lf”,&a,&b,&c); if(a<b){temp=a;a=b;b=temp; } if(a<c){temp=a;a=c;c=temp; } if(b<c){temp=b;b=c;c=temp; } i=b*b+c*c; j=a*a; if(a>=b+c){ printf(“NAO FORMA TRIANGULO\n”); } else{ if(j==i){ printf(“TRIANGULO RETANGULO\n”); } if(j>i){ printf(“TRIANGULO OBTUSANGULO\n”); } if(j<i){ printf(“TRIANGULO ACUTANGULO\n”); } if(a==b&&b==c){ printf(“TRIANGULO EQUILATERO\n”); } else if(a==b||b==c||c==a){ printf(“TRIANGULO … Read more

Beecrowd 1046 solution || URI – BEECROWD – BEE Online Judge Solution  1046-Game Time || Uri 1046 solution in C, C++

Beecrowd 1046 solution

submit link Beecrowd 1046 solution || URI – BEECROWD – BEE 1046 Solution in C, C++ Question Game Time Read the start time and end time of a game, in hours. Then calculate the duration of the game, knowing that the game can begin in a day and finish in another day, with a maximum … Read more

Beecrowd 1020 Solution in C, C++ & Python

Beecrowd 1020 Solution

URI – BEECROWD – BEE Online Judge || Age In Days – URI – BEE 1020 Solution in C,C++, Python Question Beecrowd 1020 Solution in C #include <stdio.h> int main() { int d,y,m; scanf(“%d”,&d); y=0; m=0; y=d/365; d=d%365; m=d/30; d=d%30; printf(“%d ano(s)\n%d mes(es)\n%d dia(s)\n”,y,m,d); return 0; } Bee1020 Solution in C++ #include <iostream> using namespace … Read more